When you’re on vacation sometimes unexpected things happen and you need quick access to important information. Even if you’re able to access this information on your phone, we recommend having a physical copy just in case the internet isn’t working, or some other unforeseeable event happens, and a hard copy comes in handy.
That’s why we created this printable that includes the most necessary numbers you might need in the event of an emergency or urgent situation involving humans or animals.
Print this PDF and put it on your vacation rental home’s refrigerator when you first arrive. It's a great opportunity to teach your kids valuable lessons about how to handle emergency situations or instances where authorities may need to be contacted, especially when they're in unfamiliar places.
Teaching your children how to prepare will help them act fast and with confidence when adults aren't around, and it helps them to have good life skills for when they become adults themselves!
If you’re still making plans for your fall vacation, we’d love for you to check out some of our amazing properties currently listed for fall specials!
We hope you will never need any of these phone numbers and have a great vacation stay, but we love knowing you have them if something arises and you end up needing them!
Have you seen our featured rentals yet? If you have any questions about planning your fall getaway to Topsail Island, contact us and we’d love to help!
what helpful tips do you have for keeping safe on vacation?
Tell us in the comments!